Records Management

In compliance with , The University of Akron, by the authority of its Board of Trustees, has established a Records Management Program under the direction of Archives and Special Collections (formerly Archival Services), a division of University Libraries. The Records Management Program, which applies to all campuses of The University of Akron, is designed to meet the requirements detailed in the Ohio Revised Code and university policies. The purpose of the program is to reduce the number of unnecessary records stored by the university, to eliminate the duplication of records between university offices, and to provide a systemic method of records control and disposition, resulting in increased efficiency and cost effectiveness for the university. The program will also ensure that records with archival value are identified and transferred to the University Archives for permanent retention and preservation.

The University of Akron Board of Trustees, per rule 3359-11-11, has designated the Director of Archives and Special Collections (formerly Archival Services) as the University Records Officer. Archives and Special Collections is responsible for the university's records management program. In cooperation with the Office of General Counsel, Archives and Special Collections provides campus offices guidance and training regarding the retention and disposition of university records in all formats. For information about or assistance with the management of university records please contact the Records Manager in Archives and Special Collections by phone at 330-972-8182 or by email at