Hawk, Abbie Memorial Scholarship Fund
The endowed Abbie Hawk Memorial Scholarship Fund was established in 1983 by friends of Abbie Hawk, social worker, administrator, educator, and friend to colleagues and children alike who knew and were assisted by her during her 41-year career as a social worker, 31 of which were spent with The Summit County Children’s Services Board.
Endowment income is to be made available to a deserving junior, senior or graduate student, with preference for a student interested in a career in the field of child or family welfare. Applicants will be asked to submit a one-page typed letter describing their career aspirations. The scholarship award is renewable. Selection of the recipient is to be made by the School of Social Work, in coordination with the Office of Student Financial Aid, on the basis of merit and need without regard to race, creed, color, sex or national origin.