Eastman Chemical Company Enhancement Scholarship
The Eastman Chemical Company is a leading international chemical company that produces more than 400 chemicals, fibers, and plastics. Founded in 1920 in Kingsport, Tenn., as a unit of Eastman Kodak Company, Eastman Chemical Company is now an independent, publicly held company. Based in Kingsport, Eastman employs 16,100 people in more than 30 countries with regional headquarters in Kingsport; The Hague, Netherlands; Singapore; and Coral Gables, Fla.
The Eastman Chemical Company Enhancement Scholarship was established in support of The University of Akron College of Polymer Science and Polymer Engineering's Department of Polymer Science's ongoing effort to attract top incoming students in polymer science. The annual award will be presented to the top polymer science freshman as selected by the Department of Polymer Science.